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According to PwC findings of 2021, 69% of the UK consumers have made a commitment to lower their carbon footprint, concluding that “Eco-friendly consumerism is here to stay”. While most of the households are taking advantage of the free central heating and storage heater grants being provided by the UK Govt, the consumers are also becoming increasingly selective about what kind of brand they invest in. More and more consumers are thus prioritising green brands over others.

According to a Google research in 2020 in the matter of sustainability, there is ‘a marked increase in sustainability – related searches in just the last 12 months alone, particularly for ‘zero waste’, which has grown 6x faster than ‘sustainability’ searches. Consumers are significantly more educated on this issue, and as a result they have rapidly increasing expectations of brands to be enabling the goals they have for changing their own behaviour.’

This is evidence enough to know that in order to thrive, companies need to go green fast, while also letting their customer base know that they are taking all the necessary steps to do so! At present, one in three consumers have stopped buying products that they do not consider sustainable. So, if a company has taken the logical step towards going green, how can it inform its consumer base about the same?

Evidence – While you may be putting in all he efforts to reduce waste, you also need to provide your consumers with hard evidence. Advertise about the ways being implemented to reduce wastage to be sure your efforts are seen.

Reduced Carbon Footprint – Taking steps to reduce the carbon footprint of the business is an essential part of the green journey. Reducing or aiming for net – zero emissions is the right way to go.

Sustainable Packaging – When you start packaging your product sustainably, it will automatically be evident to your consumers that you are playing your part.

Ethical Work Culture – In addition to taking the necessary physical steps, it is also necessary to take ethical steps. Abusing resources of any kind will not help your green image.

Human Rights – Manpower is the most important resource for any business enterprise, and if you are violating Human Rights, you are going in the wrong direction. Sustainability means using all resources wisely.

If you start working on going green today and the efforts are evident, soon your business will reach the goal of being more sustainable, and you will definitely be able to reap the benefits of the same.

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